Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Kangaroos are a type of animal that you can see in the zoo or in the wild.
Kangaroos are not mammals. Instead they are marsupials. When a baby kangaroo is born it is as small as a jelly bean. It cannot see and its back legs have not grown yet. But its arms are strong and it can pull itself into the pouch to drink its mother’s milk.
When kangaroos feed on grass and other plants, their heads are closer to the ground and it’s harder to see their predators so they stay in a mob to be safe. Their predators are usually dingoes. The joeys are heavy for the female kangaroos so if a predator is near, the female drops her baby in a safe hiding place then comes back as soon as she can.
The male kangaroos are the boss of the mob. If another male wants to be the boss they will have a fight. They fight with their tail, feet and claws. Whoever wins gets to be the boss and they will fight again if another wants to be the boss.